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Windows 10: A window to a new world?

MWEB TechnoZone writes: "The Windows 10 free upgrade is available in 190 countries today. While it may not exactly be the dawn of a new era, the launch of Microsoft’s flagship operating system will certainly mark a concerted break from what has gone before.

For the past few weeks, it has been the talk of the tech world, as Microsoft seeks to restore faith in an operating system that was blighted by its atrocious Windows 8 version."

HanCilliers3249d ago

I hope it is. But we'll have to wait and see how it rolls out. I'm especially interested to see what it brings to gaming.

SonZeRo3249d ago

I hope its good, It should be.

schmoe3249d ago

"Fears have been expressed that multi-monitor setups and dual card configurations constantly will be broken"

This is more of a gpu driver issue is it not? They have gotten pretty good at keeping basic configs with updates but there is always a tweak or 3 needed after installing updated gfx drivers.

My point is, its a bit of an issue already, this is not exactly a "new issue" which we may see with this release.

Or am i missing or misunderstanding something?

r1sh123248d ago

yes it is.
In some cases - people were using beta drivers etc.
So far on the 8 machines I have installed to:

3 servers, dual Xeons 64 core, 128gb ram etc..
2 pcs - gaming spec. i7-5960x, gtx titan 980 ti x2 SLI
3 laptops - 2 had sli 980

Sillicur3249d ago

I think im gonna wait a few months to see how Windows 10 turns out. Looking good though.

ShaunF583249d ago

Hoping for the best with new Windows 10.

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