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Woman tags sister-in-law on Facebook, faces year in jail

Technically Incorrect: A woman who was under a restraining order reportedly tags her victim -- her sister-in-law -- on Facebook. A New York judge rules that even tagging is electronic communication.

RetrospectRealm3076d ago

Why did her sister in law not block her on FacebooK? Wouldn't hat have not let her tag her in it? This seems awfully dumb.

Yi-Long3076d ago

Well, the woman had been told to keep her distance and not contact her victim in any way. Instead, the woman goes on Facebook and posts a rant insulting the victim and her family again, AND tags her.

Yeah, the victim could have blocked her. That doesn't mean the woman who kept harassing her, to the point that a judge had already told her stop having kind of ANY contact with her victim, is somehow less guilty.

It seems pretty clear she knew what she was doing, she refused the orders of the court, and as a result, her cyber-harassment/bullying might now land her in jail. It's her own fault.

RetrospectRealm3076d ago

I guess you're right. I would just assume if it was that bad, the victim would have blocked her before any action from a judge was taken.

lorent9143076d ago (Edited 3076d ago )

Maybe the sister in law didn't block her on purpose.

ChrisW3075d ago

"Maybe the sister in law didn't block her on purpose."

Ooooo! The plot thickens!

TheSaint3076d ago

'This seems awfully dumb.'

'New York'.

Tzuno3075d ago

Ah the wonders of facebook generation ,welcome, welcome.


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