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Xbox 360 games to be compatible with Windows 8

Microsoft could have another trick up its sleeve to make a comeback in its long lost battle against Apple.

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ThePundit4603d ago

As much as I love OS X, microsoft does seem to be have some tricks up it's sleeve for W8. If only they could get their OS to be more efficient.

Blackdeath_6634601d ago

windows also needs to be smoother and reduce the ridiculous number of options and/or decisions it asks you to make.
also in reply to intro"to make a comeback in its long lost battle against Apple." i dont think microsoft has ever lost the battle against apple remember that in the rest of the world(in other words not america) many ppl dnt even know how to use apples or even confronted one and im from england not africa or somthing.
on topic though running 360 games of PC seems like MS picking up on somthing and quickly using it for their advantage like onlive,cloud gaming and many many other digital services poping up here and there.

SnakeCQC4601d ago

its nice to have ooptions

RocknRola4602d ago

the tile based user interface is a refreshing change from the conventional icon based ui, that is if its practicality

ThePundit4602d ago

Yea I really like the look of those tiled UI, they can be configured too - so that makes them widgets I guess..

kevnb4601d ago

I hate metro ui, it looks like something from the early 80s only more colourful.

GrumpyVeteran4602d ago

I've used the Windows 8 Developer Build, honestly it's probably a great OS for tablet devices, but it's just really bad for the desktop platform, it's just not optimal. I'm probably a bit stubborn though, stuck in my ways, but there seriously is extra legwork with that new UI to do basic functions compared to Windows 7. With that said, I'm not a fan of Xbox 360 games being compatible on the PC platform, we get shoddy console ports as it is, if the developers don't even have to TRY and get it decent on the PC platform due to inherent compatibility it's just going to be really bad for us.

RocknRola4602d ago

how did u get get to use the windows developer build

TheEatingVodka4602d ago

Google "Windows 8 Developer Build" and download it..

kevnb4601d ago

theres a registry tweak to get the start menu back to normal. Then its like windows 7 with some optimizations.

contra1574602d ago

It would be smart of Microsoft

ThePundit4602d ago

But wouldn't console quality games degrade the quality of true PC games.. and it would also affect sales of Xbox...

ChrisW4602d ago

I'd only be interested in Xbox exclusive games.

bumnut4602d ago


Totally agree with you, why play 360 games if 99% of them come out on PC with better graphics.

Would be nice to play Forza 4, etc without having to have a 360.

Wikkid6664602d ago

The one big thing people are forgetting is that 2012 will be the last big year of the 360. 2013 will bring the new BOX. So this is just push to keep the 360 brand going. Maybe even use it as a portable gaming platform. Imagine having the entire 360 catalog available for download on your tablet running W8.

mcstorm4601d ago


I was just thinking the same thing but I dont know how long a laptop or tablet would last out and about playing games like Halo Forza or gears though as the power it would need would suck up alot of battery life.

But I cant wait for Windows 8 I have a Windows Phone 7 and IMO its the best mobile OS on the market out of the box and most stable too.

I also have the new 360 dash for beta testing and it is by far the best console experience I have ever had and that's with just the beta apps. The Voice control is better than anything ive seen on anything before. I am also testing the Windows 8 pre build and again even though its far from finished I can see where MS want to take the Metro UI and it is the next big step for MS.

For the last 10 years or so MS have not been at the front of software technology but I see the next 10 years MS being aback at the top with what they have planned.

kevnb4601d ago

its because consoles are going to die, microsoft is preparing.

contra1574601d ago

Im talking about if they are away from their Xbox , they can play it on a notebook

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4601d ago
lumley6664602d ago

So windows 8 will basically make the 360 pointless for any1 who gets windows 8. This will be good for me cos I'm not much of a fan of 360 but there are a couple of games I'd like to play on it.

RocknRola4601d ago

lucky for us ,dont have to buy an xbox 360 to play gears of war or halo

lumley6664601d ago

i dont really like those games tbh, played em both wen i had a 360, halo was good with first 2 the rest are just the same and outdated, i want me some forza 4 lol

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